ResurFX by Lumenis

ResurFX is a non-ablative fractional laser used to safely resurface and rejuvenate the skin- addressing acne scars, wrinkles, and signs of sun damage.

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Varies per patient

30-40 minutes


Varies per patient


15-30 minutes


1-2 days


Frequently Asked Questions

What is ResurFX by Lumenis?

How does ResurFX work to improve the skin?

What skin concerns can ResurFX by Lumenis address?

Is ResurFX painful?

How long does a ResurFX treatment session typically take?

Is there downtime after a ResurFX treatment?

How many ResurFX sessions are usually recommended for optimal results?

When will I see results after ResurFX treatment?

Is ResurFX suitable for all skin types and colors?

Can ResurFX be combined with other cosmetic treatments?

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