PRP Injections for Face and Under Eyes

PRP injections for face & under eyes utilize one's plasma to boost collagen and rejuvenate skin.

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Varies per patient

30-40 minutes


Varies per patient


15-30 minutes




Frequently Asked Questions

What are PRP injections for the face and under eyes?

How do PRP injections work for facial and under-eye rejuvenation?

Are PRP injections safe for the face and under eyes?

What can I expect during a PRP injection procedure?

Is there downtime after PRP injections for the face and under eyes?

How many PRP sessions are needed for noticeable results?

When can I expect to see results from PRP injections?

Are there any potential side effects or risks with PRP injections?

Can PRP injections be combined with other cosmetic treatments?

How long do the effects of PRP injections last for the face and under eyes?

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